This capability supports dynamic pricing where the price of the product can be changed day by day and even at different start times. Make sure your system is able to support this level of pricing before you integrate with it.
On the response the only changes from the original schema is on the Product object:
// of Product object
"defaultCurrency": "USD",
"availableCurrencies": ["USD", "EUR", "GBP"],
"pricingPer": "UNIT" // "UNIT" or "BOOKING"
The defaultCurrency is the default currency for this product, if you omit the currency parameter on future endpoints this is the value Peek Pro will fallback to. availableCurrencies are all the possible currencies that we accept for this product.
pricingPer indicates whether the pricing is per unit (most common), or per booking. Pricing which is per booking is common for private charters or group booking products where the price is the same regardless of how many tickets are purchased.
Next, if pricingPer = "UNIT", on each Unit (adult, child, etc.) we add the following:
If pricingPer = "BOOKING" then these fields will be on the Product itself instead of the Unit as the pricing applies once to the booking regardless of how many units (tickets) are purchased.
We'll produce one pricingFrom object for each currency in availableCurrencies . The meaning of each pricing field is given below:
The original price for this product which will be the same or higher than the sale amount. Use this to show a discount has been applied e.g. $10$8.50
The sale price you should charge your customers.
The wholesale rate the supplier will charge you for this sale.
The currency.
All pricing is given in integers to avoid floating point rounding issues. e.g. USD = 2 and JPY = 0. To convert a price to decimal you should do: price / (10 ** currencyPrecision) where ** is to the power of e.g. Math.pow(10, currencyPrecision).
Any taxes included in the retail and/or net price.
Throughout this capability we'll use a convention where we'll end the object key with From to indicate this is indicative and not the final price. Make sure you communicate this also to the customer.
If you pass the units to the request then we'll give the total pricing for the selection under the pricingFrom field, which is also included by default if pricingPer = BOOKING as the number of units isn't needed to know what the price of the booking is. For example:
Having the pricingFrom value calculated for you makes it much easier to display a single price on each date on the calendar (assuming the guest has chosen how many units they want before you display the calendar).
If pricingPer = BOOKING then unitPricingFrom will not be provided.
Notice how the response fields are unitPricing and pricing (without the From suffix). That is because this is the final price, and this is what the booking will be once confirmed.
This capability extends the booking schema to add a pricing field which gives you the final price of the booking as well as any included taxes. The final price includes tax, and should be what you display to the guest as the amount they need to pay.
The documentation above only shows the additions this capability adds to the availability calendar endpoint. See the documentation in to see the full request parameters and response object.
This endpoint is the availability check endpoint which has been extended to add pricing. We only document the added parameters here, to see the full documentation for the original availability check you can find it in .